Interestingly, Kowalkowski also hinted WoTLK Gold that the aftermath of the battle with Sylvanas will have significant implications.
"The results of this battle is going to be a very pivotal moment not only for Shadowlands in general, but Sylvanas as well," he said.
Before the players can take on Sylvanas it is necessary to get across The Sanctum of Domination, which seems like a very difficult raid. It has 10 bosses and a variety of encounters, culminating in the fight against Sylvanas.
The game's principal designer Jeremy Feasel told P2Pah that players will notice that Blizzard's developers have made some tweaks and enhancements to the Sanctum Of Domination Raid. More specifically, Blizzard created the raid to provide players with more clarity of the boss's world around the players.
"We've been working very close with the visual effects team to make sure that we have custom graphics for raid fights and that they really stand out compared to player visuals," Feasel said. "We're in the process of looking into what we call the 'noisiness' of the visuals for player classes as well as player covenant visuals, as well as making sure that the visuals in an area of raid don't completely overwrite the boss abilities. We want to ensure that we've got a clear the level."
For the actual encounters Feasel WoTLK Classic Gold announced that Blizzard made "new novel, interesting and fascinating mechanics," in addition to stating that there will also have narrative elements interspersed into the battles.