Starting off, Blizzard WoTLK Classic Gold will eliminate the prior limit of three characters per account. When the game launches, players are able to play more than 10 players in a realm, which equates to 50 characters across the entire Classic realms.

To top it all off, Blizzard announced it will open four more Classic servers to assist those who are in likely to be long lines at the time of the launch. New servers can be seen below. The names are all good, but "Bigglesworth" might be the best in the cake. The way we've seen it however, these extra servers didn't deter players from waiting in long waiting lines. After players had gotten in they noticed that there were queues of a different nature to manage.

New WoW Classic ServersNameTypeTimezoneIncendiusPvPEasternBigglesworthPvPPacificOld BlanchyNormalPacificWestfallNormalEastern

For those fortunate enough to play WoW Classic in early time, Blizzard said if players are able to see servers marked "Full" or "High" population, they should try to play on any of the new realms.

"We encourage players playing on realms with the designation Full or High to prepare to take part in one of these new realms to avoid most long lines and aid in spreading the player population to the maximum extent possible and to ensure the best possible play experience for everyone," Blizzard said.

WoW Classic bills itself as "Azeroth just as it existed." Blizzard claims that players can count on an "faithful reproduction of original World of Warcraft ," with characters along with combat mechanics and skill trees exactly as they were 10-years ago. The access for buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold WoW Classic comes in the regular WoW subscription.