Thanks to diagrams, you can easily organize, instruct and retain information. The process is in fact quite efficient and quick. Diagrams are more impactful than texts. Enterprise Atlas is the best destination where you create simple and complicated diagrams within minutes. This Visio Alternative Open-Source Online is useful for anyone in any industry, and for every budget. You can easily use easy-to-customize templates and hundreds of drag-and-drop designs and collaborative features. 

Thanks to this Visio Open Source Alternative, you can avoid time wasted and lower productivity. You will also avoid sending the file from Visio repeatedly between colleagues. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Enterprise Atlas offers the perfect Visio Alternative Open-Source Online which makes it quite easy to send, embed, and show your diagrams in a flash and work with your colleagues no matter where they are. 

Creating powerful images for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents

Enterprise Atlas works smoothly with Microsoft Office and Office 365 and Office 365. You will have a great opportunity to add brain maps, flowcharts or other charts to documents. Due to the Word, Excel, and PowerPoint extensions you can do the following: 

  • draw data sets
  • make dynamic presentations 
  • break down the text of your documents


Moreover, as Enterprise Atlas also integrates to Microsoft Teams, you can work with your team members, share and edit diagrams without any hassle. You can also benefit from Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides integrations to embed your diagrams in any Word document spreadsheet, presentation, or other document.

How to import/export Visio file by using the online version of Visio alternative?

  • How to import and export Visio files with our online version of Visio alternative

Transfer the entirety of all your VDX, VSDX, and VSD file types into Enterprise Atlas for further editing. Then, on the "My Documents" page, choose "Import" and then select "Import Visio."

  • Import diagrams imported from Microsoft Visio

Select all the files you want to upload and then hit "Import." After your file is transferred then select "View Document" in the dialog box to view your diagram.

  • Start from where you started

You can continue working throughout the day within Enterprise Atlas, without ever worry about losing the initial work you've made using Visio diagrams.

  • Export and share the diagram you created to Visio

To export the VDX file just open the document, then go to File > Download as to Visio (VDX). The document will be downloaded as the VDX format to your desired device.

G Suite versatility

Start using Visio Open Source Alternative and you will enjoy the strength and flexibility with G Suite versatility. This diagram program enables you to control the editing, sharing, and management of the Enterprise Atlas diagrams alongside the other personal professional, educational, or professional documents. With the help of your Google account, you can create a new Enterprise Atlas diagram as well. 

Now what are you waiting for? Enterprise Atlas has so much to offer you. This visio alternative will certainly exceed your expectations. You will finally avoid complicated diagrams and enjoy a smooth experience.