Have you ever wanted to download private photos from an Instagram account but didn't know where to start? We’re here to help! In this article, we’ll explain how to download private Instagram photos and videos without the profile owner’s permission. Let's get started! 

Downloading Private Photos with a Browser Extension 
The easiest way to download a private photo or video off of Instagram is by using a browser extension. There are plenty of free browser extensions that can easily be downloaded and installed onto your web browser (Google Chrome, Safari, etc.). Once installed, you will see the extension appear in the top right corner of your web browser. After downloading the extension and navigating to the private profile, simply hover over the photo or video you want to save and click on the extension icon. Then, select “Download Image” or “Download Video” depending on what type of content you are trying to save. The photo/video will be saved directly into your device’s downloads folder. 

Using Third-Party Websites 
Another popular way of downloading private Instagram photos/videos is through third-party websites. These websites allow users to input an Instagram URL and then download it directly onto their computer or even print out physical copies. All you have to do is copy and paste an account's URL into the website, hit enter, and wait for it to generate a link for you. Once generated, just click on “download” or “print” depending on what type of output you need for that particular image/video. It should be noted that many third-party websites require users to sign up first before they can access their services; however, some offer free trial accounts so that users can try out their services before committing fully. 
 Downloading private images and videos from Instagram can be tricky if you don't know where to start—but it doesn't have to be! With either a browser extension or third-party website like Insta Downloader, anyone can easily save any image or video they come across without having permission from the profile owner first. So go ahead—give it a try today! You'll be glad you did! If you find the above information useful, follow https://instadp.info/fr/ for more.