Fire Scorpion Charm

With the buff of seppuku, you are just going to Elden Ring Runes go off the radar, and then on top of this, we're going to be using fire scorpion charm which is going to give us a 12% increased damage on just fire. And one of the amazing things about the spear is that its scale attack power is by fire, 151 plus and then we are increasing the damage that this talisman is going to give us to raise this puppy to another level. For the fire scorpion charm, you're going to go to Fort Laiedd which is going to be on the east top side. The talisman is going to be located on a wooden plank.

Shard of Alexander

You always need to use this talisman because it does raise 15% of your unique skill that is within this weapon. Shard of Alexander can be acquired by defeating Alexander at the end of his quest line.

Elden Ring 1.06 Bleed Fire Build Tips

To be able to boost this god tier Elden Ring bleed 1.06 to an insanely broken status, we're going to be using the flame-shrouding cracked tear which is going to for three minutes temporarily boost any fire attack. Then with this weapon, we're just going to be dealing crazy amounts of damage for 3 additional minutes. Then we're going to be using the strength, this is just going to temporarily boost our strength since strength is going to be the second attribute required that is within this build going to be at 24. We're going to be raising that a little bit, overall it's just going to Elden Ring Runes for sale make this weapon even more deadly.