Hanoi municipality aims Reduce the number of families with more than 3 children
Relevant departments in the capital municipalities of Vietnam Implementing a population policy toเกมสล็อตxo respond to challenges as efficiently as possible

Xinhua News Agency reported from Hanoi. Vietnam on February 16 that the Hanoi Health Office reported on The goal is to reduce the number of families with more than three children, while the population of the capital is 8.4 million, or 8.4 percent of the country's population. As of the end of 2022

According to a report by the Vietnam News newspaper, the city of Hanoi has targeted Reduce both the proportion of families with more than three children and the proportion of malnourished children under five years of age by 0.1 percent as they face new challenges. from demographic factors The number of families with at least three children is declining, but at a variable rate.

At the same time, the aging population is another major challenge. This causes the relevant agencies to rely on the implementation of proactive plans with appropriate policies. for health insurance social welfare and benefits for the elderly

In addition, the Hanoi municipality plans to expand its work on population communication. by focusing on the reproductive health of adolescents and young people Counseling and health checks before marriage Prenatal and newborn screening as well as the health of the elderly