It follows that before a camp for the warband can be unlocked, the warband itself must first be established. Either join or create one with a group of friends and willing to join. They'll be helpful, right away in unlocking the camp. You can join a warband which already has a campsite set up.

In this scenario, the players don't need to complete any further actions. If the warband has unlocked the camp, all members can join it. Members will be credited when they unlock the camp in the guide if this is the situation. However, for those making their first appearance or joining the latest warband, proceed in the direction of the next.

To unlock a warband camp gamers must defeat 10.000 monsters in a single battle with the help of one or more other warband members from their group. Players don't need to be close together and neither do they need to have a lot of knowledge. For instance, a high-level player could join forces with a rookie and all the kills of both will count.

But, they do all have to be part of the same group of players but not just near. This is what's messing some people in this area. It's not enough to be a part of the group, there must be at least one party Diablo IV Gold member and invite others to join. Then it's a matter of grinding out kills (the Rifts can be highly suggested for this phase).