Did you forget to make Spirit Airlines seat selection? Learn about what happens when you skip choosing the seats on Spirit flights in advance.

Seat selection has always been an important step to ensure a comfortable journey in the air. But what if you forget to choose your favorite spot beforehand? Or what if you skip it intentionally to save a few bucks?

Well, there’s no need to worry, as the airline will automatically assign you a seat upon check-in. However, the random seat assignment never guarantees that you’ll get your desired spot on the flight. Here’s what you might be looking for. 

What Happens If You Skip the Spirit Airlines Seat Selection?

Spirit Airlines seat selection ensures passengers get a comfortable seat on the flight. But what if you skip paying for the same? Wondering if you will get a seat afterward or what exactly happens when you skip the process? 

Well, the airline assigns a seat to all passengers who skip the process beforehand during the flight check-in. However, the airline neither guarantees the seat location nor confirms whether you or your travel partner will sit together. So, while skipping the seat selection process may help you save bucks, it can mess up your entire travel experience. 

How to Select a Seat on Spirit Airlines Flights?

Do you want to enjoy a comfortable journey in the air? Well, then make a seat selection in advance and select your preferred seat to avoid any unpleasant surprises later on. Here’s how to do so.

  • Open the web browser of your choice.
  • Go to the Spirit Airlines official site.
  • Head to the My Trips/ Check-in tab.
  • Find your trip by using your last name and ticket number/ confirmation code.
  • Click “Spirit Airlines Change Flight” and go to the seat selection step.
  • Use the seating map to find out the list of available seats on the flight.
  • Compare the seat price and location and make a wise choice.
  • Pay the seat selection fee to complete the process. 

What is Spirit Airlines Seat Selection Fee?

Have you made up your mind about the Spirit Airlines Seat Selection? Hold on and find out the airline’s seat selection fee to avoid any last-minute hiccups. The fee depends on the type of seat and the time when you choose the seat. Here are the details.  

  • Regular Seats: Between $1 and $200
  • Big Front Seats (when chosen in advance): Between $12 and $900
  • Big Front Seats (onboard upgrade): Between $25 and $250