Amanita pantherina is sometimes called death cap mushroom because of the symptoms caused by eating it. However, this is only true if the user eats a large amount of the mushrooms at once.
The effects can vary, depending on the dose consumed. Some people report experiencing extreme hallucinations such as seeing animals, visions, voices, etc. If you are one of those who like to eat wild mushrooms, you should make sure that you don't eat too many of them at once.
It is best to cut them into smaller pieces and to eat them slowly. This way, you will have the chance to determine whether dried pantherina or not they will cause you to experience negative effects. When you are looking for mushrooms to eat, you should choose the ones that grow in your area.
You should also try to look in places such as the woods or streams. Some people find this a fun experience. Others might be more scared than excited about eating mushrooms, so it might be best to eat them in small doses so that they won't have the same effect.
If you are planning on eating Amanita pantherina in large doses, you should talk to your doctor first. You should be aware that eating a large amount of the mushrooms at once may not be healthy. It's best to cut them into smaller pieces and to consume them slowly.