There are a lot of hours to be spent exploring the areas prior to Elden Ring Runes the first major dungeon , and the skill test of a boss, accumulating loot and increasing levels until you're strong enough to turn Godrick the Grafted to a heap of amputated limbs in a matter of minutes. You could even avoid the fortress completely if you've concluded that you're done with his insanity, an effective option for those who want to explore the remainder of the game can provide.
The appeal in Elden Ring is found not in its difficulty, but the small things you can do in between the epic boss fights. The game is about exploring each shadowy corner and nook of the world in search of things you'll never need. It's about turning the camera in the right direction to look at corners and across slick edges for dangers that are hidden. It's about climbing into coffins that take you over and up waterfalls and caverns that have been abandoned by time and filled with elven creatures from far beyond the stars. It's about climbing the cliffs of a dead, impossible huge dragon or the massive branches of a golden tree Both of them have been so incorporated into the structure of a dying capital city that, in the centuries prior to your arrival they've been more of an architectural feature than biology.
Elden Ring manages to pull off the amazing trick of making one feel tiny but still being able to influence the tectonic changes around you.
Being one of Tarnished the group comprised of "chosen" "undead" returned to the world of myth that is known by the name of Elden Ring Runes buy Lands Between long after an unidentified exile, Elden Ring puts you in the role of both visitor and vaccine.