What is DHA?
Docosahexaenoic acid, commonly known as DHA, is an omega-3 fatty acid that is structurally unique and plays important roles in human health. It is one of the major fatty acids in the brain and retina.

Benefits of DHA for brain development and function
DHA is essential for the growth and functional development of the brain in infants and children. It is preferentially transferred across the placenta during pregnancy and transported to the developing brain and eye tissues of the fetus. DHA makes up about 30% of the total fat in the brain. Supplementing with DHA during pregnancy and breastfeeding has been shown to support the baby's visual and neural development. Low intakes of DHA supplements have also been linked to poor cognitive performance and behavioral problems in children. In adults, DHA plays important roles for optimal brain function and may help prevent age-related cognitive decline.

DHA and cardiovascular health
As an essential component of cell membranes, DHA supports heart health in multiple ways. Studies have found that sufficient DHA intake may help lower risks of heart disease by positively influencing triglyceride and HDL cholesterol levels. Some research also suggests it may reduce inflammation and support healthy blood pressure and heart rate. For those who already have cardiovascular issues, DHA supplements may provide additional benefits for reducing risk factors.

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