In the early missions of the WOW TBC Classic expansion, Nethergarde Bitter was one of the most needed items. It is a necessity for players when leveling. However, this item cannot be purchased in Outland. Players need to Buy WOW TBC Gold purchase it before jumping through the Dark Portal.
Players will encounter the mission "Get Mirren's Trust" in the early stages of the Burning Crusade upgrade process in Hellfire Peninsula. This task requires Nethergarde Bitter. Players need to bring the NPC Mirren Longbeard south of the Falcon Watch and a Nethergarde Bitter to complete the unique mission of the alliance.
As the name suggests, this item can be found in the Keephold Castle in the Blasted Lands. It is impossible to find Nethergarde Bitter in Outland, so players need to return through the Dark Portal to complete the mission. Players can buy Nethergarde Bitter from an NPC named Bernie Heisten in Nethergarde Keep.
To find Heisten, simply enter the Nethergard fortress in the Blasted Lands and go to the fortress barracks on the left side of the building. After entering, turn left and then left again, the player will find the NPC they need. Heisten can also be easily found by toggling the "Track Food and Drink" option on the minimap.
After purchasing Nethergarde Bitter from Heisten, players will be able to easily complete "Get Mirren's Trust" in Hellfire Peninsula. Try to ensure that you carry the Nethergarde Bitter with you before entering the Dark Portal, so as not to interrupt the player's upgrade experience by returning to Azeroth. In addition, players can purchase a large amount of TBC Classic Gold from MMOWTS to upgrade their equipment, so as to more easily experience the fun of the game.