It's very easy to cancel your order and refund your payment. But, you have to know what you are doing. You should only cancel an order if you want to do it right away. But, it's best to wait a couple days before you do that.

You may need to cancel your order because something bad happened to you. Or, you might be unhappy with your purchase and decide to get a full refund. You can either cancel your order by clicking the link 311 uplifter under the "Order Canceled" text at the bottom of the order details. You will need to enter the order number.

The process will take a few minutes to finish. Another way to do it is to open the Invoice Edit page. You will see a box at the top of the page labeled "Payments." You can click on the link at the bottom of the box to view any paid payments.

Then, scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see a link labeled "Refund Order." When you click on this link, it will display the order for which you are requesting a refund.

You can select the option "Refund from a Pending Payment." That will allow you to view the payment for which you want to get a refund. Then, you can click the link to cancel the payment.