When you first created an account, it took just about RS gold a minute it is possible that you were wondering what the World was. You picked any of them and then were taken to the famous Java applet screen and then the nostalgic Runescape theme started to play. The vibrantly colored flames attracted your attention and got you excited for the brand new Runescape game. After that, you log into Runescape and begin your endless incredible Runescape experience blindly.

Tutorial Island was like nothing you've ever previously seen. The tunes of the Newbie Melody remain in my mind for years. Replaying it brings me back to my earlier Runescape acquaintances, when things were not as complicated.

Visually visually, the Runescape journey is visually represented through the sweet notes, various tunes, and sections of the MIDI music by Ian Taylor. It takes 3 minutes and 43 seconds. It's as if you're transported to the beginning of 2000, when life was simpler. While it can make you weep it's normal to feel emotions. Remember Tutorial Island. You were a "noob", and there was little you could do to change it.

Taking those first baby steps prior to advancing to the mainland which was where everything took place, set the stage for what was going to pretty much dominate your life for a couple of years. It took half an hours to understand how bronze bars were smelt, and baking bread was not easy.

Burning your first Runescape meal on a fire you made yourself wasn't such an issue when you realized that everybody else did the same thing. You never knew that you could kill the giant rat created by polygons using a bow and arrow in 5 minutes. The beginning of a long journey that lasted for decades began in the simple and magnificent Tutorial Island. No matter how old or how far back, it will always be the center of our affections.

Lumbridge came the next. Lumbridge was the end of the story. The beginning of an unforgettable experience in which you didn't know what was happening or what you should do. Lumbridge was the location that everyone knew and could go back to in case they got lost. Lumbridge was a daunting place for new players.

The menus were similar to those you saw during the tutorial, but it was now a chat room with hundreds of people communicating with one another. It was difficult to understand the Runescape terminology, so you'd frequently spend an entire hour looking at the other players' say. "Where am I?" was the first question you asked upon arriving in Lumbridge. There was no one to hear since there were so many other players having private conversations. After a few minutes you'd get a reply "This is Lumbridge, Swans Sydney" and OSRS buy gold you'd immediately inquire about Lumbridge and then be taken around.