Are you preparing for your NEET exam? Then you must be giving it your heart and soul. But everybody needs a backup plan in case the first one does not go the way you want. We are not saying that your dreams will not come true. Just giving you a heads-up and asking you to be ready for anything that may happen tomorrow. In case you get into any of the government or private medical colleges, that is well and good for you. On the contrary, if you don’t, then you may consider other options like mass media studies that will help you stay abreast with the ongoing trends in the industry of your choice.
Here are some options you can choose from:
1. Start a Medical Blog
Starting a blog can become an easy job if you have a flair for writing. You can work on your writing skills and merge it with your knowledge in the medical field. Make sure you take the help of a professional before recommending anything.
2. Medical Journalist
You can study at any of the mass media colleges in Jaipur where you will learn the art of journalism. Then, you can bank on these skills of yours to become the journalist you always wanted to be. Just remember to stay updated with any change or discovery in the industry.
3. Become a Speaker
What can’t you do with the right knowledge? Take the help of professionals and work on your public speaking skills. Make sure every terminology and case you use and represent has authenticity and relevance in the medical industry. So be careful and be cautious.
4. Start Your Column
You can leverage this career of writing for newspaper columns, once you establish a name for yourself in the relevant field. You can study at any of the leading mass media colleges in Jaipur that will help you hone these skills from day one.
5. Have a YouTube Channel
YouTube is the platform people usually go to when they have to understand a concept or learn something new about the field they are interested in. So, you can make the most of this opportunity and cater to their medicinal needs with professional help from the industry’s experts. Like, schedule an interview with a healthcare or medicine expert.
We understand the gravity of the situation when you want to grow your career while walking on the path of interest and passion. Hence, if you don’t get into one of the best private medical colleges, you can always follow Plan B.