Determining the "best" country for injection molding is a complex task that depends on several factors, including the cost of production, quality of workmanship, access to raw materials, government regulations, and proximity to markets. Some of the top countries for injection molding include China, the United States, Germany, Japan, and Mexico, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

China is currently the world's largest producer of injection-molded plastic parts, thanks to its low labor costs, large pool of skilled labor, and massive manufacturing infrastructure.

Chinese manufacturers have been able to leverage these advantages to offer competitive pricing on a wide range of injection-molded products, making China an attractive destination for companies looking to lower production costs. However, quality control can be a concern in China, and intellectual property theft is a known issue.

The United States is another major player in the injection molding industry, with a highly skilled workforce, advanced technology, and a strong focus on quality control. American manufacturers are known for their ability to produce high-quality, precision parts with consistent dimensions and properties, making them an ideal choice for industries that require exacting specifications.

However, the cost of production in the US is generally higher than in other countries, which can make it less competitive for low-volume projects.

Germany is known for its precision manufacturing, and its injection molding industry is no exception. German manufacturers are highly regarded for their attention to detail, precision, and quality control, making them a popular choice for high-end applications where quality is paramount.

However, the cost of production in Germany is generally higher than in other countries, which can limit its appeal for cost-sensitive projects.

Japan is another leading producer of injection-molded plastic parts, with a reputation for high quality and innovation. Japanese manufacturers have developed advanced technologies and processes that allow them to produce highly complex parts with a high degree of precision and consistency.

However, the cost of production in Japan is generally higher than in other countries, which can make it less attractive for price-sensitive projects.

Mexico is emerging as a major player in the injection molding industry, thanks to its proximity to the US market, competitive labor costs, and a growing pool of skilled labor. Mexican manufacturers are able to offer competitive pricing on a wide range of injection-molded products, while still maintaining a high level of quality control.

However, the country's infrastructure and government regulations can present challenges for companies looking to establish operations in Mexico.

In conclusion, there is no one "best" country for  plastic injection molding china as each country has its own advantages and disadvantages. China, the United States, Germany, Japan, and Mexico are all major players in the industry, each with its own strengths in terms of cost, quality, and innovation.

Companies looking to choose a country for injection molding should carefully consider their specific needs and requirements, as well as the cost and logistics involved in establishing operations in a particular location.