Nutritional yeast is a type of yeast that is cultivated and harvested specifically for use as a nutritional supplement and not for breadmaking. It is not the same type of yeast used for baking bread and rising dough. It is a species of yeast called Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is grown in fermenters and harvested before it can reproduce. During this growth period, it grows dense with nutrients.

Nutritional Profile
It is a complete protein containing all nine essential amino acids that the human body cannot produce itself. Some notable nutrients found in it include:
- B vitamins: It is one of the best plant-based sources of B vitamins. It is very high in vitamin B12, along with riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), thiamine (B1) and folate (B9).
- Fiber: It contains glucans, a type of fiber that can help lower cholesterol.
- Protein: With 15 grams of protein per 1/4 cup, it is a great alternative protein source for vegetarians and vegans. Its protein quality is comparable to eggs.
- Minerals: It provides selenium, zinc and chromium.

Health Benefits of Eating

1. Boosts Energy Levels
Being high in B vitamins makes nutritional yeast a powerful energy booster. B vitamins help the body extract energy from food through metabolism. They help reduce fatigue and increase stamina.

2. Supports Heart Health
The B vitamins, protein and fiber profile of yeast work together to promote heart health in several ways. Fiber helps lower cholesterol levels while riboflavin contributes to homocysteine metabolism, reducing heart disease risk.

3. Boosts Mood and Mental Functioning
B vitamins play an important role in promoting mental health and cognitive functions. Deficiencies in vitamins like B12 and folate have been linked to depression, fatigue and brain fog. It counters this as a natural source of these mood-boosting nutrients.

4. Supports Immune Function
Zinc, selenium and vitamins B6, B12 and other nutrients from nutritional yeast help support immune cell production and function. Zinc deficiency in particular is linked to impaired immunity.

5. Promotes Gut Health
The prebiotic fiber found in yeast feeds the beneficial bacteria in our guts. This helps promote digestive regularity, nutrient absorption and lower inflammation levels.

Taste and Uses
Nutritional yeast has a savory, cheese-like flavor when consumed. Its flavor enhances all types of plant-based dishes from pastas and casseroles to soups, salads and sauces. Here are a few popular uses for it:

- Seasoning for popcorn or roasted nuts: Sprinkled on top, it adds a cheesy flavor
- Vegan cheese alternative: Mixed with plant milk, it helps replicate cheese sauces
- Pasta sauce enhancer: Stirred into tomato sauce or pesto, it intensifies flavors
- Salad topper: Sprinkled over salads, it boosts nutrients and savory taste
- Gravy thickener: Whisked into hot vegetable broth, it creates a rich tasting gravy
- Seasoning salt substitute: Used in place of salt to season veggies, grains or beans
- Baked good ingredient: Boosts protein in muffins, pizza dough or pancakes

Drawbacks or Side Effects
While nutritional yeast is generally safe for most adults, some potential drawbacks include:

- May cause gas or bloating if consumed in large amounts as the fiber adjusts digestion. Starting with smaller amounts and increasing gradually can help avoid this issue.

- Contains protein, carbs and fiber which can affect ketosis if following a ketogenic diet strictly. It is best to consume in moderation or avoid on strict keto.

- Contains trace carbohydrates and sugars from growth media, around 2 grams per 1/4 cup. Some yeast varieties may be sugar or gluten-free.

- Might cause skin irritation or itching in sensitive individuals due to residual proteins from the growth process.

- Contains histamines that may trigger reactions in some with histamine intolerance. Best to introduce slowly.

Who Should Consume Nutritional Yeast?

- Vegans and vegetarians: Excellent source of protein and B12 to replace meat and dairy.

- Those following gluten-free, nut-free or soy-free diets as a versatile non-allergenic ingredient.

- Pregnant or breastfeeding women: Provides B12 and other nutrients for fetal and infant health.

- Older adults: For an easy way to boost essential B12, folate, riboflavin and other micronutrients that aid cognitive health and immunity as we age.

- Anyone looking to season up plant-based whole foods with an umami/cheesy flavor boost and add extra nutrients to their diet.

this humble yeast packs a nutritional punch full of protein, B vitamins, minerals and savory flavor. When consumed regularly, it offers numerous benefits for health, mood and wellness. Best introduced gradually for tolerance. Always check product labels for any allergens when choosing a brand of yeast. With its versatility and taste-enhancing properties, it is a highly recommended superfood to add to one's diet.  
Get More Insights On Nutritional Yeast
About Author: Priya Pandey is a dynamic and passionate editor with over three years of expertise in content editing and proofreading. Holding a bachelor's degree in biotechnology, Priya has a knack for making the content engaging. Her diverse portfolio includes editing documents across different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. Priya's meticulous attention to detail and commitment to excellence make her an invaluable asset in the world of content creation and refinement. (LinkedIn-