Poisonous Concoction: When Path of Exile players throw an explosive bottle in an area with a chance of being poisoned, they can cause unarmed attack damage to the enemy. They can also consume a Life flask to increase more damage. However, it needs an empty main hand and no off-hand weapons. Players need to run this command for unarmed builds, which will scale the damage of the flask based on the amount of POE Orbs consumed.

Temporal Rift: It is a player who keeps mana to apply buffs and leave behind the afterimages of receiving the past. When they cast it again, they will return to the oldest afterimage, teleport to that location and reset their life, mana, and energy shields to their current values. Basically, it is from Tracer from Overwatch. This skill is invaluable in hardcore mode. In this mode, death is permanent. It is useful for map exploration because it saves time.

Tornado: Players hinder the enemy’s attack by creating a tornado and repeatedly damage the surrounding enemies. When it moves forward for a period, players’ projectiles can collide with it to cause damage, as if it were an enemy. Then it will chase the enemy for the second duration and reflect part of the damage it receives from the projectiles as additional POE Currency to them.

Energy Blade: It can provide players with a buff effect, turning their equipped weapons into swords formed by absorbing the maximum energy shield. When players cast the spell again, the Energy Blade buff will remove.

In the current Scourge league, popular builds like Toxic Rain Raider and Cold Snap/Vortex Occultist are still the main content of the community, but these new gems can lead to some interesting late games and repeated game builds. And players can also use these gems and buy some Scourge Currency to promote the in-depth development of the character. Come on!