An official annual was acquaint on the Aphotic and Dark And Darker Gold Animosity (by way of Reddit) stating, "To all our fans, we accept afresh been served a cease and abandon letter and DMCA appraisal by Nexon apropos Aphotic and Darker based on adulterated claims."

"We are currently alive with our accustomed aggregation to antidote this affair in the best address possible. Due to the acute accustomed attributes of this affair we charge be accurate with our statements so as to not attempt our position," the Animosity column read. "We ask for your compassionate as we assignment to get the bold aback up as bound as possible. Amuse apperceive that we will do all that is attainable for our fans. Thanks!"

Earlier this month, Ironmace had its offices searched by Korean admiral on belief that it ability be in posession of baseborn cipher and assets as about bisected of Ironmace's 20-person aggregation is fabricated up of above Nexon employees. Although, Ironmace's official annual apropos the bulk was that the chase was a "quick process" and "nothing was found."

An official annual was acquaint on the Aphotic and Darker Animosity (by way of Reddit) stating, "To all our fans, we accept afresh been served a cease and abandon letter and DMCA appraisal by Nexon apropos Aphotic Darker Gold and Darker based on adulterated claims."