If you are interested in doing something with your business and you do not have enough cash to support yourself, there is a program that will help you to get money. This is the PPP loan that was mentioned earlier. It has been expanded recently.
Under the new rule, companies from that first round that applied for a loan but weren't eligible are now included. This change is because most of these companies are being allowed to borrow the money anyway. It has helped many business owners who needed help but couldn't get it.
The first round of loans that was available was a maximum of $349 billion. There was no limit on the number of loans that would be given out. Some banks started taking deposits apply for Employee Retention Credit right away and were able to give out loans quickly. After all, they needed to make sure that the loans that they gave out would be repaid.
However, some banks were afraid that they might lose some of their money and were waiting for more details on the PPP loan before they started lending out any of their money.
After all, some banks had already lost over $100 billion during the Great Recession. That meant that the banks needed to make sure that the money they lent would be repaid before they started lending again. However, the government didn't want to wait.