Grandiflora roses are a popular choice for floral arrangements due to their large, high-centered blooms and long stems. Here are some tips for using Grandiflora roses in floral arrangements:

  1. Choose stems with healthy, unblemished blooms that are just starting to open.

  2. Cut the stems at an angle and place them immediately in a vase of fresh, cool water.

  3. Remove any leaves or thorns that will be below the water line.

  4. Arrange the roses in a vase with other complementary flowers and foliage, or create a simple arrangement with a few stems of roses.

  5. To make the roses last longer, change the water every few days and trim the stems at an angle every time you do so.

  6. You can also use Grandiflora roses in dried floral arrangements by hanging the blooms upside down in a cool, dry place until they are fully dried.