Among the content of the second stage of the WOW TBC Classic game, Tempest Keep is one of the latest raids. Players cannot directly enter the raid when they can play. Like many other raids in TBC, the WOW TBC Gold player must complete a considerable adjustment process to enter the raid.

The highest level WoW TBC Classic players must complete two separate mission chains to enter Tempest Keep. One of them takes place in the open world, while the other is mainly limited to some dungeons of the game. In addition to these tasks, players must complete some of the raids in the first stage of TBC before they can start the second stage of raids.

First, the player needs to complete the curse password task chain. Alliance players can claim this quest in Wildhammer Fortress, while Horde players can claim the quest in Shadowmoon Village. This task will open a long task chain, allowing players to embark on a vast journey through the outer domain. After the task is completed, the chain will be divided into three separate parts, which must also be completed. After that, the player needs to complete the last task in the chain by defeating Seruk, the Lord of Fire, at the Altar of Domination.

After completing the quest chain of Cursed Code, the player will Buy TBC Classic Gold receive an email from Khadgar, who will summon the player to Shattrath City. When the player gets there, the player will talk to Naruadal, located in the center of the city, and begin another lengthy quest chain that includes visiting four separate TBC dungeons. Once the player successfully completes the dungeon and saves Millhouse, the player can return to A'dal to start the last step of the tuning chain.

After the player has cleared all the necessary dungeons needed to advance the quest chain, A'dal will send the player into Magetheridon's Lair. Players need to return to Adal after defeating Magtheridon. Nauru will reward players with the keys needed to open the gates of the Storm Fortress. With The Tempest Key, players can enter the raid without any problems. During this process, if players need TBC Classic Gold, they can visit MMOWTS to purchase at any time.