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WotLK Dungeon Leveling Survival Guide - Tips and Tricks to Learn Before You Begin WOTLK News

Hey, how's it going? AMI here with a new video with a journey into Northrend just a couple of hours away. A lot players will likely be dungeon grinding to get your characters to the next level and those who go this route are typically focused on one thing speed.

While Wrath of the Lich King Dungeons are easy to face roll and an untimely wipe can leave even the most experienced player to tumble over this hefty loss of performance per hour. Due to the fact that dungeon Cleves is focused on speed, the difficulty goes up when you take on greater and larger packs, which can result in an unavoidable silence or which can result in the need for a wipe.

This time we'll give you a a brief overview of all the key mechanics and capabilities in these dungeons , which will keep your wipes and down , and also keep your hours of experience and your spirits up. Let's get started. There are a few of different leveling routes out there.

So we'll stick to all six general dungeons that I've encountered throughout the Survival Guide. First up Hougaard important at the start of the dungeon. It's the weaponsmith. These are the deadly mobs that inhabit this dungeon therefore, when you're not in a tank. They also come with the ability to stun you for five seconds so keep that in mind as you attempt to take more polls. The furnace room is next, and you'll go into the stable. The table is full of proto Drake's These not only will hit you with a lot of force, but they also have a frontal breathing that can kill the entire group should they not be kept at least buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold a few feet away.