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 With an inherently and profoundly unstable structure that is unable to ensure a healthy, sustainable adult life, without the financial security, stability, or a trajectory--most

 Both sides of Maslow's hierarchy of needs pose an obstacle for artists. They are expected to be vulnerable and transparent in public. But, they haven't had the ability to convey basic human needs up until recently.

 The stigmatization of the need was crass, vulgar.


 The Future of Arts Work What will it look like? Change in 2021 and Beyond

 As the pandemic rambles along with no end in sight, the art world remains in constant flux. Each day brings more information about layoffs and budget cuts.

 restructuring, shifting calendars and postponed or cancelled events OVRs and new types of online programmingWhen the dust is settled,

 Art world could look very different.

 Many professionals working as registrars, art handlers and museum educators were forced to quit their jobs as a result of the epidemic. While

 Certain of these jobs are back. The Delta variant is again threatening this particular group. Unfortunately, this is the case for this specific group of professionals.

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 Insecurity at work is not something new. The career they choose and the reality that follows can be best summarized with one word: precarious.