Players must solve small puzzles to Connect the 3 Devices and Activate the Central Control Devices in Genshin Impact.
After obtaining the third and final Farrwick from The Right Machine Door in Genshin Impact, players will get a mission to follow the path to the Control Center. There, Travelers will come across Nasejuna, and he’ll instruct these phones to connect the 3 devices close to the elevator, which marks the start of the Connect the 3 Devices close to the Elevator area of the As the Khvarena’s Light Shows quest.
Completing the Quest requires moving the Mixers so the Energy flows into the 3 Devices in Genshin Impact. Players then need to activate the Central Control Device by solving a little puzzle.
To connect the 3 Devices close to the Elevator, players must make use of the Mixers and aim them at every Device in Genshin Impact. Doing so allows Energy to float through, thus activating the Elevator.
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To connect the 3 Devices close to the Elevator, players must make use of the Mixers and aim them at every Device in Genshin Impact. Doing so allows Energy to float through, thus activating the Elevator. Next, Travelers have to move the Mixer in the Device over the Anemo Monument towards the one on the other hand of the circuit. Rotate the Mixer until it’s aiming at the Device to activate it. As for the 3rd Device, it doesn’t need a Mixer because the Energy flows through it immediately thanks to the Energy Control System behind it.
Once the 3 Devices close to the Elevator are activated, players will get a new task to activate the Central Control Device in Genshin Impact.
To achieve this, discover the Anemo Monument striking it with Anemo to produce a wind current to fly toward the second floor.
Now, go right (north) and rotate the top of the level until it glows around the Arrow-up Symbol.
For the 3rd and final side, carry on the right (south) and rotate the low level until it glows around the Square Symbol.
Connecting the 3 Devices close to the Elevator and activating the Central Control Device will reward players using the Fabricator-General Achievement in Genshin Impact. If you want to learn more about Genshin Impact, is here and it offers cheap genshin impact accounts.