What is economic value- added (EVA)? What is market value-added (MVA)? How do firms choose their value creation strategies? Do higher cash flows automatically result in higher economic profit? How do firms that opt for maximum economic value-added compare to firms that opt for maximum market value-added? What informs a reasonable compensation for managers based on performance metrics? These strategic policy questions relate to the profit producing capacity of a business enterprise and optimal cash flows enhancement strategies-the appropriate mix of cash inflows and outflows that maximizes net cashflows and thus the return on investment and shareholders' wealth while minimizing the cost of operations, simultaneously. If you want to know about Eva Professional please read this article.

One of the management's strategic goals is to maximize shareholder value, which is based on the firm's future cash flows. Further, other management's goals include maximizing the price of the firm's stock; and the value of any asset based on the cash flows the asset is expected to produce. Therefore, management strives to maximize the cash flows available to investors. But how does management decide which business actions are most likely to increase those cash flows, and how do investors estimate future cash flows? The answers to these questions may differ markedly but lie in careful analysis of financial statements that publicly traded companies must provide to investors and regulators.

There are divergent cashflows enhancement objectives, and many factors influence effective cashflows enhancement strategies. For those familiar with the relevant academic literature, the critical factors are well-known and supported by contemporary research. The primary goals of effective cashflows enhancement strategies and core elements of effective cashflows enhancement strategies are equally well established in the extant academic and professional literature. However, some industry watchers and practitioners continue to identify profit maximization as the primary goal of a business enterprise. As we have advised in previous review and guidance, this focus on profit maximization is a bit short-sighted and misguided.

The most common metrics used to determine a company's value include Economic Value Added (EVA) and Market Value Added (MVA). In practice, there are distinct differences between these two valuation strategies, and investors need to be aware of how to use each. Economic Value-Added (EVA) and Market Value-Added (MVA) are common ways an investor can assess a company's value. While EVA is useful as a way to assess a firm's economic success, or lack thereof, over a specific period of time, MVA is useful as a wealth measure, assessing the level of value that a firm has built up over a period of time.

Some Practical Guidance

As we have already explained in previous review, cashflows provide critical insights about firm's performance not discernable through analysis of net income. Further, financial accounting students and practitioners know net income data are more susceptible to accounting methods such inventory and depreciation methods.

The accounting statements often do not reflect market values of firms, so they are not adequate for the purposes of evaluating managers' performance. To fill this assessment gap, financial analysts developed two additional performance measures: Economic Market Added (EVA) and Market Value Added (MVA).