More than two months after the large-scale release of New World, Amazon Game Studios began to merge New World Gold with the decline in the number of players. The first server merger of the game, the central EU server Mardi, will merge into the EU server Brittia. The other two mergers are aimed at forming the Central EU Vanaheim Terra world set and the South American Nibiru Mu world set.
These mergers may be just the beginning. Soon after New World went online, more than 900,000 players were online at the same time, resulting in long login queues. In response, Amazon quickly created a new server for players to create characters on it, and promised to provide free server transfers later. Although the game is still very popular, as of this writing, it is the fourth most played game on Steam, with a maximum number of concurrent players exceeding 114,000, but there are more servers than players.
Once it is determined that the server needs to be merged, Amazon will start looking for a host server to merge other servers into it. The survey included comparing faction balance, language and game style among different servers before making a decision. When a server is merged into another server, progress will not be lost, New World Gold, items, companies, households, etc. will be transferred. The only thing that is not transferred is the owned territories, which are controlled by the people playing on the hosting server, who will accept new players from the merger.
Amazon recently withdrew a controversial change it proposed for the New World endgame. If players fail to participate in certain endgame events, the modification will reduce the efficiency of equipment obtained from production or missions. Other endgame changes and new seasonal content are currently being tested in the game’s public testing area. In addition, players can buy New World Gold from IGGM.
New World server consolidation