Most definitely, MyTEAM is the best option of Nba 2k22 Mt the new direction that the NBA 2K saga has taken towards a more pronounced schedule of events and seasons. Particularly when alternatives have been added to support much more specific aspects like collection or competition between players. In addition, the manner in which he manages to make use of NBA's own license and its star-system continues to be to the delight their fans, one of the most convincing claims of this edition.

If you're one those who intend to play just one game for months and your primary interest is basketball, NBA 2K22 is the game for you. It will require you to play every game and you will be glued to the TV or screen until the battery wears out on your behalf. Not by reinventing the gaming experience, even if it were a fan of the previous season, but by undoubtedly consolidating what has already worked.

The boost given to the main modes and the cult of detail that is typical of the series are the main attractions of this latest installment which similar to last year has a significant benefit for players who own an updated console. This, however, places PC gamers into the same category. But, it should be noted that the possibility of going towards Cancha del Mar has been a surprise. Especially if we compare it with it's Neighborhood on NBA 2K20.

In the playable, NBA 2K22 is richer and more balanced. While offensive movements aren't diminished, games are no anymore resolved just near the rim because of the latest blocking, defending, and dribbling options. The new shooting system rounds off all the changes that have been made and works well with the set making it possible to refine gameplay sensations that, if not perfectly, are quite enjoyable.

For the average player mt 2k22 or one who is not so passionate about basketball, the calendar of events and seasons could be a problem in the long or medium in the long run, because the rewards are quite sweet, and keeping them up to date isn't always easy. The progression system is fair, but consistency can be well-rewarded. There are many good reasons to invent games and get confused in either the City or the Cancha del Mar, even as spectators, it is something to be experienced.