There are many requirements that must be met before you can open a business in Saudi Arabia. One of the first requirements is to register your company with the Ministry of Labour and Social Development (MLSD). Before you can start to earn money, you need to register your company with the Government. Your business must abide by certain regulations.
Once you register, the next step is to register with the Social Security Organization (SSO), which is a mandatory social insurance program for employers.
This program is designed to provide a system for processing salaries monthly and maintains records for the Saudisation quota system. You must pay into the Setting up a business in Saudi Arabia SSO at least 6% of your gross payroll. After the Social Insurance Organization is registered, it's important to make sure you meet the minimum wage law. You must ensure that your employees receive a salary that meets the minimum wage requirements for Saudi Arabia. Your employees will need to be paid at least 4,000 Rials ($130).
Also, the employer must maintain recorsd of their employees and record them on the Saudisation register. The Saudisation register tracks how many Saudi workers are employed within your organization. It will also monitor your company's efforts to reduce the percentage of foreign workers employed within your organization. If the Saudisation rate drops below 50%, your business must pay into the Government for a higher percentage of salary paid to Saudis.