Lost Ark may be available in the first half of 2022. In the much-anticipated Lost Ark, Founder’s Pack is what all fans desire. Lost Ark Founder’s Pack is divided into four levels, namely Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. If players can purchase one of them, they will access the upcoming closed beta, and can enjoy many benefits and benefits and get Lost Ark Gold.

Today we will introduce Lost Ark Silver Founder’s Pack to Lost Ark players. This is the second best package in Founder’s Pack, priced at $24.99. Players can get 1,000 Royal Crystals and Silver Supply Crate. The number of 1,000 Royal Crystals is not enough to make players ecstatic. They should pay more attention to Silver Supply Crate.

It is a bigger reward. Players can get many useful items that make them develop smoothly. For example, players can use Feathers of Resurrection to resurrect dead characters. They can also get 10,000 Silver to buy equipment and an Equipment Crate to store Swiftness and Flame Grenades. Tool Chest is only a free tool in Lost Ark, players do not need to spend Lost Ark Gold for it.

Besides the above items, players can also get Ascent Chests at levels 20, 30, 40, and 50. When their characters reach the corresponding level, they can open a specific box to get Silver and Potions. Potions will become more important in the final stage of character development, so players are better to learn some practical guides and buy more Lost Ark Gold through IGGM to get more potions and be proficient in using the right potions in different situations.

Attached link: https://www.iggm.com/lost-ark-gold