Cataclysm - Summon a massive storm that Diablo IV Gold follows the Druid for several seconds. Tornadoes cause knockback and lightning strikes heavily damage hit enemies. Grizzly Rage - Turns the Druid into a Werebear which gives them access to new skills and the ability to generate spirit faster. 

Being a Werebear also makes the player Unstoppable. Petrify - All nearby enemies are stunned in place for a few seconds. While damaging an enemy breaks the effect, it also causes additional damage. Diablo 4 Sorceress As longtime players would expect, the Sorceress is all about magic and spellcasting. 

Typically the glass cannon of the bunch, a character that can deal large amounts of damage while not being able to take too much in return, this class excels at long range as long as they have mana to spend on spells. Ice, Lightning, and Fire are her main elements of choice and as such, her Ultimate abilities follow suit.

Deep Freeze - Envelops the player in ice, making them immune to damage for a few seconds. During this time, ice waves deal damage and freeze enemies for a longer period of time than normal. Inferno - Summon a wave of fire that pulses in and out of a target area, causing significant burn damage to enemies trapped inside it. 

Conduit - Become immune to damage, shock all nearby enemies, and warp quickly between locations. Diablo 4 Barbarian Being the frontline fighter of the trio, players can expect to always be in the thick of Diablo 4 buy Gold battle as a barbarian.