Most of us have experienced pain in our necks at one time or another. Neck pain may occur for different reasons. For instance, you may have been playing tennis or volleyball with friends when you felt a twinge of pain in your neck. Other causes of neck pain may include sleeping on your side or having a bad posture. If you think that you are suffering from neck pain, there are several simple solutions. One of the best options is to stretch. To do so, lay flat on your back and put one arm behind your head while extending the other arm in front of your head. You should move your head from side to side as far as you can without straining. After moving your head in this way, you should hold it still for 10 seconds. Make sure that you are comfortable. Do this stretch Neck pain solutions regularly to reduce your chances of getting headaches. Another option is to take your neck out of your regular position by keeping your head upright. This will prevent the tension that builds up in your neck muscles. Try taking a warm shower instead of a bath or a warm shower. Showers are known to be excellent relaxers. After a few minutes, you will notice that you feel much better. Some people also experience pain relief by soaking in a hot tub. You may use the Jacuzzi instead.