An Elden Ring Items player highlights a funny plot hole regarding Iron Fist Alexander, probably the most popular NPC hanging around.

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One gamer points to an interesting plot hole regarding Iron Fist Alexander in Elden Ring. Players will see many interesting NPCs during the period of their playthroughs of Elden Ring, with lots of them having their own unique quest lines hanging around.

Iron Fist Alexander is probably the most popular NPC in Elden Ring, probably because of his unique design. Users will initially find him stuck on the earth, however, they will meet Alexander many times as they journey around the globe of Elden Ring. Now, one fan has shared an interesting plot hole associated with Iron Fist Alexander, questioning how he seems to move to the different locations in Elden Ring.

A Reddit user named a_French_in_a_trench has shared a clip from Elden Ring showing Iron Fist Alexander in the tunnel. The player makes note of Alexander’s design in Elden Ring before examining the 2 doors which are the only entryways to the el born area. As Alexander is really a Living Jar, the ball player wonders how he managed to get to this location, to begin with. This post is principally a joke that points to Iron Fist Alexander’s movement being contradictory to Elden Ring’s world design, and also the comments section is similarly full of funny replies.

A few users make jokes concerning the door being ajar, although players think that Iron Fist Alexander uses teleportation to obtain around the world of Elden Ring. This leads to some discussion about how fans travel between Sites of Grace in Elden Ring, as gamers wonder if Alexander has access to exactly the same ability. On the other hand, one user thinks that Alexander digs deep into the ground and tunnels his way to this area, before replacing the dirt. One player also wonders how Iron Fist Alexander lives and talks in Elden Ring, with a few attributing his entire existence to magic.

Overall, it’s an interesting contradiction that doesn’t have the symptoms of a reasonable explanation. Perhaps there is really a reason hidden inside within all of Elden Ring’s lore that hints at a solution, however, it doesn’t seem like there is really a clear-cut method of justifying it.

Gamers should observe that there is really a full questline associated with Iron Fist Alexander in Elden Ring which involves meeting him in a variety of different locations. Its many steps will require players all over the world to cheap elden ring items, including a late-game area called Crumbling Farum Azula.

Elden Ring can be obtained on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.