In New World, players can build their characters based on their roles, as the game doesn't have classes like other role-playing games. Compared to other professions, New World's therapists are more straightforward. The Staff of Life is its only healing weapon, and it depends on the Focus attribute point.

Mastery points for completing builds fall into two categories, and characters can be mixed and matched according to their specific custom builds, but some are more important than others. It may seem limited compared to other New World Gold party characters in New World, but it could be a good thing for players who want to play a healing role and play a simple game.

On the other hand, New World's healers have a lot of leeway in customizing their off-hand skills, be it physical or magical. Most of the skills in the Healing Staff Mastery tree are PvP oriented. Staff can heal and deal damage in combat, depending on the exact ability the player is using at the time.

There are few differences between the optional builds for PvE and PvP, although there are some important differences. Area effect spells that extend in a 3m radius around the caster, healing stamina and health. This is optional in PvE, but essential in PvP builds. In addition, NewWorldCoins will help all players, allowing players to easily get a lot of New World Coins for very little money.