In New World, players can build large towns and occupy forts, and need to compete with other New World factions for territory. Therefore, they need to craft new armor and weapons to help them achieve this, as well as use repair kits to keep everything they use in top condition.

So why do you need to repair the Kit?

In New World, armor and weapons degrade when used, and players will need to repair them in order to continue using these items. Because once an item's durability is reduced to 0, the item can no longer be used unless you fix it. And this game is different from other MMORPGs and other games with durability features, you can repair items anytime and anywhere in New World, but this process is not free. At the same time, players need to Buy New World Coins prepare repair parts and gold coins to make the repair kits they need.

When you need to repair a weapon or armor, you can press L and left-click on the item, or click and drag the repair kit to the item that needs to be repaired. When a repair kit becomes unavailable, you will be prompted by the game that your repair kit is not of sufficient level to accommodate the item you want to repair.

So players need to have every item repaired in New World after too much use, then make the appropriate repair kits for their items, and also learn how to use them. Because not keeping items in their best working order at all times is one of the biggest mistakes players make in New World. The biggest dilemma in the game comes when you get into combat New World Coins and your weapons and armor are unusable.

Therefore, each player needs to prepare repair kits and New World Coins for their items, which can be done at any time when the item needs to be repaired. If players want more New World Coins and other useful items, they can go to NewWorldCoins, there are everything players need and can get them in the shortest time.