The brand new Mut 22 coins Bo Knows Legends cards are part of the Bo Knows promotion which was launched earlier in the month. This Bo Knows promotion honors the two-sports superstar, Bo Jackson, with the brand new cover that is digital for the game, as well as different contents. The game comes with Ultimate Team, that's included various upgraded cards for Bo who, as most fans know, is a football fanatic.
The first batch consisting of Bo Knows Legends players arrived this week. This included Dan Dierdorff, Iverson Walls, Charle Young, and Bruce Smith. Each player received the Power Up item, 85 OVR, as well as 94 OVR cards during the game. Similar should be the case with another group.
The new Legends items will be released within Ultimate Team on Monday, the 29th of November as part the promotion. Other recent promotions that have launched in Madden include a Thanksgiving-themed promotion that includes Blitz as well as Team of the Week which is a weekly event.
Monthly Madden 22 coins Title Update almost here, and Version 2.04 will provide yet another round of fixes for the sport. This is everything we know regarding Madden 22 Title Update 2.04 and the date it's scheduled to launch on all platforms.