Prices that are published to give an indication of what you are able to pay for. Artwork Archive's Discovery Platform, Artsy, Artspace is accessible for browsing. loanfund loan fund Website 

 1stDibs (or Platform), are just two examples.

 Do not ask for an insensitive discount.

 It's okay to negotiate prices up to a limit. businessenjoy business enjoy Website 

 Collectors and museums with significant collections can enjoy 20% off. It is possible to be labeled as a "do-gooder" when you engage in excessive bargaining.

 Don't sell if you feel your tactics excessively aggressive or just unprofessional.

 Do not attempt to evade a gallery by purchasing directly from the artist they represent. This puts the artist in a dangerous situation.

 Your professional relationship may be in danger. This could also affect your capacity and credibility to buy works from dealers.

 the future.

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 Do: Request a condition report

 It is not a matter of whether you are purchasing art from an auction gallery, house or directly from the artist. It is normal to request an appraisal of the condition of the artwork.

 For historical works, especially from the "secondary" market.

 While there is not any universal standard for reporting on conditions There are some common guidelines. A diagram of an example is provided in a lot of condition reports.

 The work must be noted for any marks. The following is an example condition report from Georgia O'Keeffe museum. try wedding Website allowlaw allow law Website

 Based on the worth of the piece that is being appraised, it could be beneficial to hire a neutral 3rd party to complete the report on condition, but the expense of this

 Service will most likely be provided at your expense.

 Art collectors who have an Artwork Archive Prime Collector plan can choose to keep their condition reports in the "additional folders".


 Don't think that the artist is the one who has signed the artwork.

 Some artists are not willing to sign their work. This may surprise some collectors. A signed work could be a problem, particularly in the future.

 In the event of resales. Before purchasing, confirm that you have been notified that the work has been authenticated.