What are you doing today? my name is big bomb boy, and this is my wrath hunting Essential Guide slash Hunter primer I thoroughly enjoyed making this WOTLK version of this tutorial a few years ago so let's make the wrath one I want to cover everything you need to know about becoming a good hunter and wrath what is required, which are the most important things. The most important guide to becoming a Hunter WoW WOTLK Classic We're not getting into that really deeply wet Hunter theory crafting crevice on this one. Here's what we are going to discuss our new abilities which have changed majorly talented, glyphs and rotations for every spec, pet talents, and the use of stats in professions, here's what we're not going to be discussing PvP. Buy WoTLK Gold, cheap WOW WoTLK Classic Gold for US/EU Servers at P2Pah, fast delivery, low prices, safe transaction, 24/7 online support, and huge stock, all provided by https://www.p2pah.com/wow-wotlk-classic-gold.html