Exactly, you've understood it correctly. When starting tretinoin treatment, especially for individuals who are new to the medication or have sensitive skin, dermatologists often begin with lower concentrations, such as 0.025% or 0.05%. This approach allows the skin to gradually adjust to the effects of tretinoin, reducing the risk of severe irritation and side effects.

The rationale behind starting with a lower concentration is to help the skin build tolerance to the medication over time. Tretinoin can cause initial skin dryness, redness, and peeling as it increases the turnover of skin cells and promotes exfoliation. By starting with a lower Tretinoin cream 0.1% concentration, the skin has a chance to adapt to the treatment more gently.

The step-wise approach typically involves:

1. Starting with 0.025% or 0.05%: Initially, patients may be prescribed tretinoin in a lower concentration to see how their skin responds to the medication. This allows the dermatologist to monitor for any adverse reactions and make adjustments as needed.

2. Gradually increasing to 0.1%: If the patient's skin tolerates the lower concentration well and there is a need for stronger treatment, the dermatologist may increase the concentration to 0.1% in subsequent visits. This is done carefully, and the patient's response is continually monitored.

It's essential for patients to communicate openly with their dermatologist about any skin reactions they experience during tretinoin treatment. If at any point there are significant side effects or discomfort, the dermatologist can adjust the treatment plan, including switching to a lower concentration, reducing application frequency, or modifying the skincare routine to better suit the individual's needs.

Remember that tretinoin is a prescription medication, and its use should be supervised by a qualified healthcare professional. Adhering to their recommendations and instructions will help ensure the safest and most effective use of tretinoin for your specific skin concerns.