Absolutely, you are absolutely right. The detergent powder manufacturing process can indeed vary based on the formulation and production equipment used by different manufacturers. Each manufacturer may have their unique recipe and process to create their detergent products, leading to variations in the final product’s characteristics and performance.

Some detergent manufacturers may include additional steps in their manufacturing process to achieve specific objectives or enhance the detergent’s properties. For example:

Post-addition of heat-sensitive ingredients: Certain ingredients, such as enzymes or fragrances, can be detergent powder manufacturing process sensitive to high temperatures during the main manufacturing process. To preserve their effectiveness, these heat-sensitive ingredients may be added after the detergent granules have been formed and cooled.

Granule coating: Some manufacturers may apply a coating on the detergent granules to improve stability, enhance fragrance retention, or add additional functional properties.

Post-drying treatments: In some cases, the dried detergent granules may undergo post-drying treatments to optimize specific characteristics, such as moisture content or particle size.