In this article, I have discussed the major difference between cockroaches and mouse poops. After reading this article, you will be able to identify cockroach poop vs mouse poop:

Size and Shape

Cockroach Poop: Cockroach droppings are typically small, cylindrical, and elongated. They are usually less than 1mm in diameter and can vary in length.

Mouse Poop: Mouse droppings are larger than cockroach droppings, resembling small grains of rice. They have pointed ends and are typically around 3-8mm in length.


Cockroach Poop: Cockroach droppings are usually dark brown or black in color, but this can vary based on the roach's diet.

Mouse Poop: Mouse droppings are black in color and may darken as they age.


Cockroach Poop: Cockroach droppings are often found near food sources and hiding spots, such as under sinks, behind appliances, and in corners.

Mouse Poop: Mouse droppings are commonly found along the paths mice take as they move, including near walls, in cabinets, and in nesting areas.


  • Cockroach Poop: Cockroach droppings are typically dry and solid in texture.
  • Mouse Poop: Mouse droppings are moist when fresh but dry and harden over time.


  • Cockroach Poop: Cockroach droppings are often scattered randomly due to their frequent movement.
  • Mouse Poop: Mouse droppings may be more concentrated along specific paths and near nesting sites.


  • Cockroach Poop: Cockroach droppings do not usually have a strong odor.
  • Mouse Poop: Mouse droppings can emit a mild, musky odor.


It's important to accurately identify the type of droppings you're dealing with, as this can help determine the appropriate action for pest control. If you're uncertain, consider seeking professional advice or using other signs, such as tracks or nesting materials, to confirm the presence of the pest.