In common mmo, players can get Gold by completing daily tasks, and this method also applies in Lost Ark.
Once players reach level 50 in Lost Ark and reach North Vern, they become eligible for Una’s Quests. This is the counterpart of the daily and weekly quests in Lost Ark.
Behind Una’s missions in Lost Ark is a complex scoring system, with daily missions giving you 2 points and weekly missions giving you up to 12 points.
After players have reached 25, 35, 45, 55, and 70 points, they’ll earn so-called Unas Tokens, and behind them is the Lost Ark Gold that everyone wants. However, daily quests offer more rewards as useful materials.
In order to keep the balance between the various players, each character can only complete 3 daily tasks and 3 weekly tasks. As long as a character’s item level is higher, the more donations they will receive from valuable brands. Points will then reset on weekly resets.
The amount of Lost Ark Gold players end up with is up to their luck. Fortunately, these quests can be completed repeatedly, so as long as players don’t think these methods are too boring, they can always earn Lost Ark Gold, there is no limit.
Everyone can get different gold chests from Una’s brands, which can contain different content. The chests always give a minimum value of gold plus a random drop that you can get really lucky with.
If players don’t feel like they have that much time, they can also spend some real money on Lost Ark Gold at IGGM, which is also a very guaranteed way to satisfy everyone, both in terms of delivery and price.
Detailed explanation: Earn Lost Ark Gold by completing daily quests