Lab diamonds" and "real diamonds" (also known as "natural diamonds") are terms often used to distinguish between diamonds that are created in a laboratory setting and those that are mined from the Earth. Here's a comparison of lab-grown diamonds and natural diamonds based on various factors:

1. Origin:

Lab Diamonds: Created in a controlled laboratory environment using advanced technological processes that replicate the conditions under which natural diamonds form.

Natural Diamonds: Formed deep within lab diamonds vs real diamonds the Earth's mantle over millions of years through natural geological processes.

2. Physical and Chemical Properties:

Lab Diamonds: Possess the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as natural diamonds. They have the same hardness, brilliance, fire, and durability.

Natural Diamonds: Exhibit the natural variations and characteristics that come from their geological formation.

3. Ethical and Environmental Considerations:

Lab Diamonds: Generally considered more ethical and environmentally friendly as they do not involve destructive mining practices or contribute to conflicts in certain diamond-producing regions.

Natural Diamonds: Some diamonds may be associated with unethical practices, human rights abuses, and environmental concerns in regions where they are mined.

4. Price:

Lab Diamonds: Typically more affordable than equivalent natural diamonds. This affordability can allow buyers to choose larger or higher-quality stones within their budget.

Natural Diamonds: Generally come with a premium due to their rarity and the costs associated with mining and distribution.