The work day has just begun, and you're already contemplating lunchtime. As lunchtime gets over, you start feeling sleepy. Do you have a similar experience? If so, you'll require assistance!

We can conclude that cognitive boosters such as Artvigil 150 – ( are in the market to serve a purpose. What we've described above is technically known as an afternoon slump or mid-day slump. 

There's no shortage of people who are unable to focus during lunchtimes and then turn to caffeine to remain awake. Coffee is not just a drink that gives you an instant boost. However, it's also a beverage that affects your sleep as with everything else. Why would you let the caffeine in your coffee affect your sleep?!

What's the best way to get out the other way?

These sensitive issues at work create demands for endless medications like Modalert and Waklert 150mg - ( They're specially designed to boost cognitive performance at the time you want it. 

They also prevent sleeping during the day, and help you avoid the urge to sleep in the event of something unexpected. Before we get into the details further, let's learn how to avoid the slump in afternoons.

What can cause mid-day fatigue also known as the afternoon slump?

If you seek out the reason why, you'll see several. The desire for hot, steaming cups of coffee is a sign of something important that goes in the shadows of many. Here are some reasons that can make you sleepy after a meal.

Sleeping insufficiently at the end of the night

* Less physical activity i.e. not getting enough exercise in the daylight hours

* A skewed meal composed of high carbs and sugar

* Obstructive insomnia, sleep apnea and other sleep disorders.

* Stress

* Anxiety

* The Depression

The human body is equipped with an internal timer that is called the "circadian rhythm". It will notify you whenever your body is in need of rest. In addition, it takes care of the task of educating you of your sleep and wake time. 

5 Realistic Ways to kick off your Afternoon Slump

1.) Enjoy a night of music!

Music can be a form of therapy. It is contingent on how you use this therapy in the office. It is a smart idea to put on music that is energetic in these times to prevent you from falling asleep. Contrarily, songs that are upbeat can transform you from a dull state to a filled with energy. You'll be more focused and attentive when listening to mood-boosting music.

In addition, you should avoid listening to slow music that induces sleepiness instead. If you can, listen to instrumental music to ensure that it does not distract you on work.

2.) Do not eat a lot of sugary or heavy meals in the workplace.

What you eat during your time at the office is a big deal. While it's tempting to eat pizza doughnuts, doughnuts or an ice cream bar but they'll make it harder to overcome the slump that happens in the afternoon. In general, heavy, fatty, or greasy meals along with a large sugar consumption are the main factors in tiredness during the day.

You can also rely on a protein-rich lunch and fresh seasonal fruits and healthy fats. Let us give you a few alternatives:

* Greek yogurt

* String cheese

* Fresh fruit

Dry Fruit

* Veggies

* Hummus

* Nuts

*Nut Butter

Many employees are obsessed when they snack at work as well. If you are a part to the group of snickers, you can enjoy snacks instead of chips. It can be shared with co-workers as well!

3.) Take a drink of water...a lot

It doesn't matter if you're discussing preventing afternoon slumps or other activities in life, keeping hydrated is always at the top of the agenda. The organs in your body require at least 7, 8 or 9 glasses fluids every throughout the day to function properly. In the end, our body is made up of 60% water.

Imagine a scenario where you're dehydrated. The heart is pumping faster and your organs in your body constantly ask for water. In the end, you'll be tired from all the activities you do. This leads to fatigue and loss of focus.

4.) Don't be too frightened to stop for a moment

We understand that it might be a bit odd to talk about 'breaks in the context of productivity. However, a break is equally important as work. Just a couple of steps to the bathroom or washing off your skin by using tap water isn't less than an interruption. 

5.) Try Smart Drugs

The majority of office workers want promotions and do not wish to be disappointed at work. Additionally, shift workers are more worried about their security. If they aren't sleeping well and lose focus on their work, they could be in danger of injuries. Therefore, the best method to remain alert and focused throughout the day is to experiment with various smart drugs, or the endless supply of medications.

Modalert & Waklert are just a couple of examples of nootropics, or pills that are endlessly which are popular with employees. They improve cognitive capabilities, enhance the ability to make decisions and also improve the concentration of workers. 

Can we avoid a slump in the afternoon?

It isn't possible to change the rhythm of your circadian. Your body will follow the pattern it was designed to do. However, you can make sure that you don't suffer from a slump in the afternoon through certain actions.

First, make sure you get enough rest during the night. If your body receives enough rest, it's less likely to be tired throughout the daytime. This can also decrease the risk of feeling tired during the day.

Secondly, lower your caffeine intake. Coffee can make you feel uncomfortable for an extended period of time however it can harm your health in a variety of ways. In addition, it's not recommended by most medical professionals because of its contribution to sleepiness. 

The Takeaway

Sleep apnea and coffee are closely linked. Don't disrupt your sleep routine by excessive drinking of coffee. When you've finished reading this article.

You have the knowledge to eliminate the midday fatigue at work and not feel like you're suffering from an afternoon slump easily. If you're in the market for authentic smart drugs, then get started and browse our selection of genuine nootropics now!