Colored eggs, such as those produced by certain breeds of chickens like Ameraucanas or Easter Eggers, can have a slightly different appearance but typically do not taste significantly different from normal white or brown eggs. The color of the eggshell is determined by the breed of the chicken and is a characteristic of the chicken itself, not the taste of the egg.

The taste of an egg primarily comes from its yolk and white, and this taste is influenced by various factors including the chicken's diet, living conditions, and freshness of the egg. Chickens that have access to a diverse diet, including insects, grains, and other natural foods, may produce eggs with subtly different flavors compared to eggs from chickens with a more limited diet. Additionally, eggs that are very fresh tend to have a different texture and taste compared to older eggs.

In summary, the color of the eggshell itself does not significantly affect the taste of the egg. The taste differences in eggs are more related to factors like the chicken's diet and the freshness of the egg, rather than whether the egg is white, brown, blue, or any other color.