There are some of the best gold farms in TBC Classic in 2022, and these gold farms are accessible to both new and old players and are suitable for every class, so let's take a look now!

There is a gold farm in WoW TBC Classic that is not a hyperspawn farm, but has plenty of usable mobs that spawn fairly quickly. The farm we're talking about here is the demon hunters and the bladels outside of black temple at the ruins of karaboy. And here arcane tomes are the TBC Classic Gold items that players need to find, and it has roughly the same selling price as the fell armament. Also you'll get some furious ignite, which adds extra gold over time as well as health and mana potions. The opponent here is still the Human Rank five scrolls, and the agility and strength scrolls usually sell for about 10 gold because they will be used for high-end raids, and they will stack with other ranks. It's better to choose a mage or a paladin here, because there are tons of monsters here, and their AOE can damage multiple enemies at once to get more gold pedalbury.

The twilight serpents exist on the twilight ridge in nagrand, where players can farm cobra scales and sell for over 20 gold each. Cobra scales can only be obtained from skinning twilight serpents at this location, so the number is very limited, which is why it is so expensive. While it's a high value farm, if all you have is skinning, it's not a place where you should spend 10 hours a day working because your actual efficiency is only 200 gold. MMOWTS is your best choice to get WOW TBC Gold. But if you have both skinning and mining, your result will be 400 gold, though, it will take some time to sell the cobra scales.

WoW TBC Classic is a game that is in high demand for TBC Classic Gold, so each player may need to spend a lot of time farming them in the game. If you want to save that time, MMOWTS can help you, they will sell TBC Classic Gold at a great price, and you can get more in a short period of time by purchasing it. 

Buy TBC Classic Gold