I'm not the best at combat but these are what I believe to OSRS Gold be pretty decent (probably not the most effective, but they're good enough.) Melee dual wield = rotate through the basics such as Sever, Decimate Slice, Punish (in this order) then you can use the thresholds for Assault, Disrupt Slaughter, Assault (along with kick abilities or under the opponent's threshold if they are greater than the 1x1) at any time you want.
Dual ranged weapon: Cycle through the fundamentals of Shot of Fragmentation, Needle Strike, Ricochet, Piercing shot and then utilize thresholds Snapshot, Rapid Fire, Tight Bindings at any time. Bombardment works too if you have monsters within close proximity to each other and have spare adrenaline.
2h Ranged: exact identical as above but switch Needle Strike with Dazing Shot. 2h Magic: Cycle through the basics Dragon breath, chain (ONLY for monsters that are targeting more than one, it's only semi-effective as the most basic weapon against one victim) Combust, Sonic Wave, Impact, Wrack, and then alternate thresholds Wild Magic and Asphyxiate.
Dual wield Magic: exact same as above except swap Sonic Wave for Concentrated blast. I hardly if ever use 2h Melee so don't have much experience there. A few helpful tips when using Snapshot and Fragmentation shots right before snapping it will do damage every second. staggering. If you apply Bombardment just before Tight Bindings you'll get a nice damage stack.
If you're using Sacrifice, make sure to Cheap RuneScape 2007 Gold apply it as frequently as you are able, but try to achieve those KO's for a huge heal. Use Sunshine as well as Death's Swiftness every time you can. Berserk works too for Melee but it's not the best for Slayer because it lasts for 20 seconds. You should also ask some PK'ers whether they're the best in combat, and I've probably misplaced a lot of information.