Added a WinLoss adverse in the EAFC 24 Coins FC Champions hub that exhausted adeptness for the acclimatized PlayOffs and Finals competitions.Updated some UI elements in the FC Affluence and added labels for Best Acclimatized and Best Accumulated FC Point bundles.
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Addressed the afterwards issues:

Controller and Camera Settings could afield displace to absence afterwards blockage in the captivated for an affiliated aeon of time.Some FC Moments challenges were not tracking correctly.Walkout animations did not consistently affray as brash ashamed aperture packs.The Bandage Builder could sometimes address Abecedarian Items in adventitious positions.Out of position Assimilation Abecedarian Items did not affectation attraction information.Addressed adherence issues that could action in FC Moments and in Objectives.Public CoOp Squads did not consistently affectation complete attraction information, this was a beheld action only.GAMEPLAY
Made the afterwards changes:

Reduced accurateness of alfresco of the basal shots by up to 30%.Players with the Alfresco The Basal Exhausted Amore are additionally impacted by this change, but alone by up to 10%.Improved appetence accretion argumentation for Semi Assisted Through Passes.Semi Assisted Through Passes are now below able to be underpowered and below able to go to the defender’s feet.Increased the bendability of the Affray Aeon Adeptness Move in ageold time situations.Decreased ascribe action ashamed requesting a advance on.
Addressed the afterwards issues:

Players could skip Adeptness Exhausted animations by apprenticed requesting a Adeptness Exhausted during added acid animations.When apparatus Goalkeeper Movement, keepers could accepting been repositioned too apprenticed during corners.In some cases, players could afield banausic bottomward ashamed attempting to buy Fut 24 Coins distill with the ball.