Players will experience game maintenance after the weekly server downtime. According to what has been announced so far, the developers of Lost Ark are offering players new characters and challenges over the next few weeks. Such a grand plan is sure to make Lost Ark better and attract more new players.
On the other hand, although the Lost Ark Buy Gold developers have so far never revealed plans to bring Lost Ark to consoles, there are already players in the gaming community discussing whether or not Lost Ark will be able to be played on PlayStation or Xbox.
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The server of Lost Ark on the Steam platform will be down once a week, and the developer will maintain the server during this time and release the game update patch. Developers rarely explain to players in advance, but many players are used to it. Lost Ark server maintenance starts on Thursday, April 7th at 12 AM PT / 7 AM UTC / 9 AM CET. For gamers living in the UK, that will mean Lost Ark servers going down at 8am BST for about half a day.
Smilegate has anounced that downtime may last only four hours, meaning that Lost Ark will be back online by 4am PT, 12pm BST and 1pm CET. A message from developer explains: “All Lost Ark servers and regions will be coming down on April 7th at 12 AM PT / 7 AM UTC / 9 AM CET for our regular weekly maintenance and update for the game. Downtime is estimated to last up to 4 hours, we appreciate your patience, and we'll let you know when servers are back online. " More and more player buy Instant Lost Ark Gold From MMOWTS.
According to the description of the patch on the official website, the focus of this update is to deal with the problems that have occurred in the game that affect the player's gaming experience. For example, some players found that they couldn't load into Ancient Elveria because Ealyn's "Time to Heal" rapport quest blocked the action. Also, some players found all Metallurgy and Tailoring books marked as Tier 3 when visiting Winter Illusion vendor Mio. Not only that, but using some special characters while chatting can cause the game to have some unexpected bugs.
The update patch will completely fix the above three problems. And April's Lost Ark also has a potentially massive content update that includes not only new playable characters exclusively for players in the US and Europe, but also new Advanced Classes. How, are you interested in the upcoming new content? allows you to experience new content faster, just visit MMOWTS to instantly buy the cheapest Lost Ark Gold on the market. All purchases of Lost Ark Gold at MMOWTS indicate that the site is trustworthy and you can also try it.