Lost Ark is one of the leading MMORPGs in the current gaming zeitgeist, and the developers are trying to give players a ton of content in the near future. Some of this new content could include the Lost Ark battle pass, which may have been leaked in a recent developer video.

In the official video previewing the Lost Ark PvP Proving Grounds feature, eagle-eyed players noticed that the Lost Ark Gold For Sale account used in the video had a specific icon in the upper right corner of the screen. This icon says "Ark Pass", indicating that the player has the potential to earn a Battle Pass. Players can learn more about the latest news from MMOWTS.

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Lost Ark Gold

On the most recent Lost Ark roadmap, there was no official Battle Pass, which means this feature may not appear in the near future. However, players are promised more surprises and content that won't necessarily be listed on the roadmap, which means this battle pass is certainly possible. Players can Buy Lost Ark Gold with the Best Service at MMOWTS.com

The game's battle pass also already exists on the game's South Korean servers, which means the infrastructure for the feature already exists. However, players will just have to wait for any official confirmation on this potential feature. Buying Lost Ark Gold from MMOWTS.com for long-term support is necessary if players want to have more fun in the game.